Traditional ugandan cooking

By Ireen Sumbatala, cook in SALEM Uganda and at the moment volonteer with Salem International in Stadtsteinach.

In Uganda,before sunrise, most people would have woken up to go to their gardens. They carry along hoes, pangas, jerrycans, or pots for water. After digging, the pangas are used for cutting firewood and making bundles. The people, mainly women, fetch water for cooking in the jerrycans and this they carry on their heads at times with a small bundle of firewood on top of the jerrycan, back home. Afterwards the woman picks a container mostly a traditional basket, and goes to look for food from the garden. Food like sweet potatoes, matooke, cassava, maize, yams, rice, millet and vegetables, possibly with friuts. These foods can be steamed, smoked, boiled separately or together. An example is steamed matooke with rice and groundnut sauce. Traditional ugandan cooking weiterlesen